Here are the Blogs in the Dr. Z Amps category.
Monday, 10 July 2017
blog preview image Almost exactly a year ago I had the privilege of visiting Dr. Z Amps at the shop in Maple Heights, Ohio. The goal was to learn as much as possible about the amps so I plugged in and played everything that was available to play. After a while Z pointed out an amp that had no branding or labeling and ...Read More...
Posted on 07/10/2017 11:30 AM by Elevation Boutiques
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
blog preview image Dr. Z Amps have become some of the most well known and sought after boutique amps in the world and we are happy to announce that we now represent Dr. Z in the Eastern United States! Since 1988 owner and founder, Michael Zaite has been building top of the line hand wired amps. These days near Cleveland, ...Read More...
Posted on 06/14/2016 1:57 PM by Elevation Boutiques

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