
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
This is our demo of the EarthQuaker Devices Park Fuzz Sound. No fancy pants riff planning...just letting the pedal inspire. *The Sea Machine is not on in this video. The rate LED flashes even when it is not engaged.   To see EarthQuaker Full line of pedlas click ...Read More...
Posted on 05/20/2015 10:15 AM by Elevation Boutiques
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
This is our demo of the EarthQuaker Devices Fuzz Master General. No fancy pants riff planning...just letting the pedal inspire.  *The Sea Machine is not on in this video. The rate LED flashes even when it is not engaged.  To see EarthQuaker Full line of pedlas click ...Read More...
Posted on 05/19/2015 3:40 PM by Elevation Boutiques
Wednesday, 06 May 2015
Yellowcake Fried Gold You know Yellowcake for the spitty fuzz called the Furry Burrito  and now they have something new!  The Fried Gold is a straight forward overdrive that goes from mild, to approaching that blown out territory of almost fuzz-ish sound. Designed to compliment the front end ...Read More...
Posted on 05/06/2015 3:30 PM by Elevation Boutiques
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
The Spacerocket was the second pedal that Spaceman Released over 5 years ago. There were very few videos of The Spacerocket ever made so we feel honored to have made a demo of this now re-issued fuzz machine.  We filmed and recorded this demo video at Center Street Studio in Nashville, TN with our ...Read More...
Posted on 03/24/2015 2:25 PM by Elevaiton Boutiques
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Spaceman Effects has released info on their most complex pedal to date, The Voyger 1 Optical Analog Tremolo. You may know Spaceman Effects for their amzingly built high end Fuzzez, Overdrives and Boosts. Seeing Spaceman branch out on something totally new is very exciting! There are a limited number ...Read More...
Posted on 02/12/2015 11:35 AM by Elevation Boutiques
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